Having a house with adequate lighting on the wall from wall lamp will make the house look more alive and more comfortable to live in. Therefore, not a few people are willing to spend more to get the type of lamp. That is get feeling most suitable to decorate the house. There are various types of wall lamps with various models that you can adjust like what you need.

Room Type

Having a house with various types and functions of the room in it. Making the homeowner must be more selective in filling furniture and lamps as decoration. For the placement of living room wall lamps, dining room and bedroom are the most suitable rooms you can decor with wall lamps. Placement of wall lights in the living room, dining room and bedroom will add detail to the room, and help the lighting of the main light. In addition, the use of wall lamps will also save electricity than you have to use the main lamp because it has a smaller wattage.


In choosing the color of the lamp you can use three color choices namely cool white with bright white. Daylight that has a bluish white color like during the daytime, and warm white yellow light that is similar to the natural color of sunlight. These three colors have different characteristics, cool white and daylight colors have an almost effect that will give the impression of being clean but makes the room look monotonous and flat. While the choice of warm white colors will make a warm impression for the room that can affect mood.

Lamp Shape

Wall lamps have various types of shapes and sizes that you can adjust to the needs of your room. If the room has a minimalist style, the shape of a plain wall lamp without a pattern with a modern form with a box or tube shape can be an option. As for the room that has a classic style. You can choose a wall lamp that has details and many indentations with European style.


For the size of an average wall lamp has a medium size, not too big and not too small. This size is adjusted to the function of the wall lamp itself into an additional lamp so it does not take up much space and does not interfere with the function of the main light and also to add to the aesthetics of the room.